The Harlem Stories Project

Who we are
The Harlem Stories Project is a group of Harlem kids who tell Harlem stories. We are an ensemble of middle schoolers who create original theater based on our community of West Harlem. We're a mix: 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We're shy and outgoing. Goofy and serious. Outgoing and reserved. Some of us have acting experience prior to THSP. For some of us this is new. For all of us, we are committed to exploring and amplifying our voices through the narratives we tell.
The Harlem Stories Project imagines, writes, and performs pieces of original theater based in Harlem.
"In THSP Lucas has gained more confidence, and transferable social skills that have allowed him to feel more comfortable in being his own person."
- Jennifer S., THSP parent
"I think my child has learned tolerance of different ideas and empathy."
- Taisha U., THSP parent
"I believe my son gained his voice while in THSP"
- Sandra M., THSP parent
Learn more

Through theater, we believe all youth can embrace who they are,
define their future, and become leaders in the world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a platform, resources, and support for middle schoolers to tell their stories and those of their community. Through theater, we embrace the creativity and joy that comes with being a part of an ensemble.

Our Vision
Young people in West Harlem will excavate for stories in their community.
Throughout the process, we will study the tenets of improvisation and public speaking.
As we build our confidence and cultivate the stories we want to see, we embody the leadership and empathy that come with stepping into somebody else’s shoes in order to tell their story.